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"Megamind" is incredible and I just need someone to appreciate it when my family won't

Okay, here's the deal: I watched Megamind (many years after I'd first seen it) with some family over this past Thanksgiving holiday.I forgot how absolutely brilliant, maybe even perfect, this movie is. Why is that? Let me break it down:The casting and is perfect. Tina Fey is a daring investigative reporter, definitely. Jonah Hill as a nerdy cameraman and social buffoon, for sure. Will Ferrell mispronounces words as a bumbling hero, sure thing. Brad Pitt is a handsome but selfish superhero, without a doubt. David Cross plays a fucking fish, oh my I love it.The concept is genius. A villain kills the hero and then deals with the depression that comes with a lack of purpose. Not only is that a fairly unique take, its very engaging for a kids movie and its a downright funny idea.The plot upholds the brilliance of the concept. We get unrequited love, deception of your friends, the creation of a hero for a villain to have purpose, the transition of villain to hero because the hero he thought he killed is actually alive and convinced him to do right... I'm out of breath talking about all the great things.Tighten (not Titan) is an exceptional villain. He's a guy who thinks he deserves a girl but does nothing to make himself desirable. When becoming a superhero isn't what she was looking for, he loses his interest and becomes just a lazy guy who abuses his power. But it was Megamind who turned him truly evil, into a force of destruction, because of the way he ruined his life. That's some dark shit.The movie is always funny. From start to finish, I was laughing. It doesn't fall into the super sappy ending that just makes you smile. No, it's genuinely funny. When Megamind makes his entrance claiming that being a super villain was all about "PRESENTATION" I was legitimately cracking up.I'm sure there's more stuff I'm forgetting but whatever, this movie is a gem. And when I brought all this up to my family, they were all just like "Eh, yeah its cute." Am I the only one that is now a passionate advocate for what will surely become an animated classic??? Please tell me I'm not crazy.​Edit: PRESENTATION needed more panacheEdit 2: As u/cpt_lanthanide pointed out, it is Tighten not Titan. Makes me love the movie even more nowEdit 3: Damn, people. This has been the most wholesome moment I’ve ever experienced on reddit. Too many comments to follow up with all, glad we can just all bask in the glory that is this film via /r/movies
"Megamind" is incredible and I just need someone to appreciate it when my family won't "Megamind" is incredible and I just need someone to appreciate it when my family won't Reviewed by M. Amaar Tahir on 1:08 AM Rating: 5

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