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Inside the making of 2000's stop-motion animated classic 'Chicken Run', still the highest-grossing stop-motion film of all time. From the original pitch meeting with Steven Spielberg, to having over 200 animators simultaneously working on 30 different sets for 18 months. via /r/movies
Inside the making of 2000's stop-motion animated classic 'Chicken Run', still the highest-grossing stop-motion film of all time. From the original pitch meeting with Steven Spielberg, to having over 200 animators simultaneously working on 30 different sets for 18 months. Inside the making of 2000's stop-motion animated classic 'Chicken Run', still the highest-grossing stop-motion film of all time. From the original pitch meeting with Steven Spielberg, to having over 200 animators simultaneously working on 30 different sets for 18 months. Reviewed by M. Amaar Tahir on 1:52 AM Rating: 5

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