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Snakes On A Plane was released 13 years ago. There are teens now who never knew the overwhelming viral hype for this mediocre B-movie.

What the young folks out there probably don't remember is that before the current age of social media, people used to talk on "Forums", or had personal "Blogs", and this movie was one of the most omnipresent pop-culture viral phenomena of that era. It was like an inside joke that everybody was in on. There were books released just documenting the hype before the movie came out. There were news stories, articles, webcomics, fan videos, academic discussions on viral marketing, talk of a new era of audience-filmmaker interaction... and it basically flopped.News coverage of the hypeThe official music videoWashington Post retrospective via /r/movies
Snakes On A Plane was released 13 years ago. There are teens now who never knew the overwhelming viral hype for this mediocre B-movie. Snakes On A Plane was released 13 years ago. There are teens now who never knew the overwhelming viral hype for this mediocre B-movie. Reviewed by M. Amaar Tahir on 1:52 AM Rating: 5

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