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Who's the most inconsistent director?

People always talk about consistent directors, who deliver great movies and great movies and practically never disappoint. Mostly Nolan, or Villeneuve, or The Coens et cetera.But what about inconsistent directors? Directors that delivers masterpieces, and loads of bullshit and you never know what you're gonna get?For me M Night Shyamalan. He's practically Hit or Miss. Unbreakable is a fantastic movie, a virtually perfect approach to a realistic "super-hero". It works on nearly every level and never fails to impress after 18+ years.But he can also direct stuff like that horrible Last Airbender movie, or the completely tonally confused Glass.What are some of your picks for inconsistent directors? via /r/movies
Who's the most inconsistent director? Who's the most inconsistent director? Reviewed by M. Amaar Tahir on 1:52 AM Rating: 5

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