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(va) My son stole a rare toy from my brother. My brother is refusing to take it back and is threatening to get the police involved. What do I do?

Right now my brother is threatening to "sue" me for my son taking a figure from his collection and get the police involved. Here is the story.​Last week my brother invited me and my family over for diner. While we were there my son asked to see my brothers collection of toys and figures. My brother has spent a good deal of money on his collection and from what I know it's one of his biggest hobbies. Well, after diner we left and everything seemed normal​Well, until yesterday. My brother called me up furiously and told me my "little shit" stole something from his collection and I needed to return it immediately. I honestly was upset at this, but if my son had taken something that was wrong,especially if it was from my own brother. Well, it turns out that my son slipped away during dinner and took a Boba Fett figure from his collection. He confirmed it because he has footage from his porch camera of him taking it out to our car.​I was furious and took it from him. Here is the problem though, after I confirmed with my brother it was his I found out that my son had removed it from it's packaging. Apparently the figure is worth almost 2000$ in it's package and almost nothing out of it. So my brother broke down over the phone and refused to take it back before hanging up. Well, he just called me again today and said he wanted me to pay for a replacement immediately or he will get the police involved and sue me. I told him I would help pay for one but not fully to which he said "not good enough" and hung up.​Honestly, what are my options here? I can't afford to pay him back right now. If he does go the police will my son get arrested? He's only 15. It was very wrong of him to do but I think my brother is over reacting. What can I expect if he does take me to court or call the police? via /r/legaladvice
(va) My son stole a rare toy from my brother. My brother is refusing to take it back and is threatening to get the police involved. What do I do? (va) My son stole a rare toy from my brother. My brother is refusing to take it back and is threatening to get the police involved. What do I do? Reviewed by M. Amaar Tahir on 12:22 AM Rating: 5

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