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My Jewish-American grandfather guarded Nazis in WW2 France. After the war, one his prisoners sent him this illustrated book of his time in the camp.

My grandfather-in-law was a Jewish-American Officer who oversaw a German POW camp in WW2 France. "Pop" treated everyone with respect and was quite popular as a result. Years after the war he received this illustrated book from one of his prisoners in the mail.I found it rummaging through my in-law's basement this past weekend and wanted to share what I perceived to be a good primary source of history with the community. In light of the "on all sides" rhetoric I found this to be a poignant reminder of how people on opposing sides (literally, Hitler) could come together.I never had a chance to meet Pop, but from what I'm told he was a gentleman and a scholar who was even more popular with the ladies than he was with the Nazis.Here is the book: via /r/history
My Jewish-American grandfather guarded Nazis in WW2 France. After the war, one his prisoners sent him this illustrated book of his time in the camp. My Jewish-American grandfather guarded Nazis in WW2 France. After the war, one his prisoners sent him this illustrated book of his time in the camp. Reviewed by M. Amaar Tahir on 2:52 PM Rating: 5

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