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TIL that in 1939, George Dantzig, arrived late for class and assumed that the two problems written on the board was a homework assignment. When turning it in, he apologized for taking long to finish; it turned out that he had solved two estwhile unsolved / unproved problems in statistics.

Submitted August 20, 2017 at 05:00AM by internet-junkie
TIL that in 1939, George Dantzig, arrived late for class and assumed that the two problems written on the board was a homework assignment. When turning it in, he apologized for taking long to finish; it turned out that he had solved two estwhile unsolved / unproved problems in statistics. TIL that in 1939, George Dantzig, arrived late for class and assumed that the two problems written on the board was a homework assignment. When turning it in, he apologized for taking long to finish; it turned out that he had solved two estwhile unsolved / unproved problems in statistics. Reviewed by M. Amaar Tahir on 7:09 AM Rating: 5

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