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Duke University scientists have created a "lethal injection" for tumors. When injected into them, their ethanol-based gel cured 100% of the oral tumors in a small sample of hamsters. This treatment might work for some kinds of breast, liver, and other cancers, and it only costs about $5. via /r/science
Duke University scientists have created a "lethal injection" for tumors. When injected into them, their ethanol-based gel cured 100% of the oral tumors in a small sample of hamsters. This treatment might work for some kinds of breast, liver, and other cancers, and it only costs about $5. Duke University scientists have created a "lethal injection" for tumors. When injected into them, their ethanol-based gel cured 100% of the oral tumors in a small sample of hamsters. This treatment might work for some kinds of breast, liver, and other cancers, and it only costs about $5. Reviewed by M. Amaar Tahir on 6:13 AM Rating: 5

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