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TIL In the skies over Germany in WWII, a badly damaged American B-17 was escorted out of enemy airspace by a German fighter ace who could've easily shot them down. Years later after the war, Charlie Brown and Franz Stigler reunited and became lifelong friends.

Submitted November 12, 2017 at 04:51PM by 2infinity_andbeyond
TIL In the skies over Germany in WWII, a badly damaged American B-17 was escorted out of enemy airspace by a German fighter ace who could've easily shot them down. Years later after the war, Charlie Brown and Franz Stigler reunited and became lifelong friends. TIL In the skies over Germany in WWII, a badly damaged American B-17 was escorted out of enemy airspace by a German fighter ace who could've easily shot them down. Years later after the war, Charlie Brown and Franz Stigler reunited and became lifelong friends. Reviewed by M. Amaar Tahir on 5:50 AM Rating: 5

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