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What is an unconfirmed theory from a movie that you hold to be canon?

I like the idea that in Baby Driver, Deborah was somehow connected to Doc. There was literally no hint at it, but after seeing this posted somewhere I like it too much to ignore. I forget the details but it was pointed out that she was like always at the diner (implying no real shifts just there for Baby). She also handles herself waaaay too cool when her seemingly boring life turns into a heist movie and she seems to fit right in. Then the fact that she waited for Baby for so long, sure he's charming and maybe she really liked him, or maybe she was just there to help lure him back into a life of crime, can't lose such a good get-away driver at such a young age, right?I'm not too interested in how you feel about my theory, but notes are welcomed; I would moreso like to hear some of your totally unconfirmed/personally confirmed theories. via /r/movies
What is an unconfirmed theory from a movie that you hold to be canon? What is an unconfirmed theory from a movie that you hold to be canon? Reviewed by M. Amaar Tahir on 12:32 AM Rating: 5

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