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Al Pacino reveals that his unpredictable character 'Vincent' in "Heat" sniffs Cocaine regularly. scenes explaining this were removed by Michael Mann, leaving Pacino/Vincent's outbursts and wild moments within his disaster zone life were up to the audiences imagination.

Al Pacino reveals that his unpredictable character 'Vincent' in "Heat" sniffs Cocaine regularly. scenes explaining this were removed by Michael Mann, leaving Pacino/Vincent's outbursts and wild moments within his disaster zone life were up to the audiences imagination. Al Pacino reveals that his unpredictable character 'Vincent' in "Heat" sniffs Cocaine regularly. scenes explaining this were removed by Michael Mann, leaving Pacino/Vincent's outbursts and wild moments within his disaster zone life were up to the audiences imagination. Reviewed by M. Amaar Tahir on 12:27 AM Rating: 5

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