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TIL that for Japanese traffic lights blue means go! A very blue shade of green is used, green enough to satisfy international regulations. This is because historically the Japanese language only had words for black, white, red, and blue, and that green is considered a shade of blue.

Submitted October 02, 2018 at 10:45AM by Reydient
TIL that for Japanese traffic lights blue means go! A very blue shade of green is used, green enough to satisfy international regulations. This is because historically the Japanese language only had words for black, white, red, and blue, and that green is considered a shade of blue. TIL that for Japanese traffic lights blue means go! A very blue shade of green is used, green enough to satisfy international regulations. This is because historically the Japanese language only had words for black, white, red, and blue, and that green is considered a shade of blue. Reviewed by M. Amaar Tahir on 1:38 AM Rating: 5

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